Saturday 22 June 2013

Keeping in Touch: A Tip for Jobseekers from CulverCareers

CulverCareers meets lots of talented individuals as they work to fill their clients’ executive search needs. CulverCareers knows that for one reason or another, things don’t always work out when it comes to placing individuals. CulverCareers wants to be sure to remind jobseekers of the importance of keeping in touch. 

Being in the executive search industry, the team at CulverCareers is very much aware of the importance of networking and getting contacts, because it’s what they do every day. CulverCareers encourages jobseekers to keep in touch with them. If things don’t work out in getting a placement for them the first time they walk through the door, there’s nothing to say that the perfect won’t pop up a week, a month, or a year later. CulverCareers reminds job seekers that networking can be as important for individuals as it is for companies. 

CulverCareers also reminds job seekers that a lot of jobseekers come through their doors and to their social networking pages. Keeping in touch with a member of the staff can be helpful in keeping your face and availability at the forefront of someone’s mind when an opportunity arises. 
People also make the mistake of thinking that this tip is solely for jobseekers. Networking can generally be to everyone’s benefit; not just those looking for jobs, but also those who are already employed. The fastest route to a new or better opportunity could be connecting with someone via social networking or through professional contacts. CulverCareers reminds everyone not to underestimate the power of networking. 

CulverCareers takes advantage of the tools the internet offers for social networking in order to create a more diverse talent pool and in order to more efficiently provide for their clients’ hiring needs. CulverCareers promotes the use of social networks. They do, however, remind people to remember that social networks are widely used and that it is suggested that they keep all their social networking profiles as appropriate as possible for a possible employer to view. Social networking is used more widely by companies and individuals alike.

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