Friday 28 June 2013

CulverCareers Reminds Individuals About the Dangers of Facebook

As an executive search firm that is connected on the web, CulverCareers always tries to remind its talent of the ways in which a social networking profile might have a negative impact on your professional life. We’ve all seen new stories about people who have lost their jobs or faced negative action at work over something they’ve posted on a Facebook profile or social networking site. People think that this is the kind of thing that only people in their early 20s should be worried about. 

CulverCareers reminds everyone that anyone can make a mistake when it come to social networking.
CulverCareers reminds people that employers are just like any other new person you might have met. If you meet someone new while you’re out and about, now one of the first things people do is go search each other on Facebook. CulverCareers says that people often forget that their resume gives prospective employers more than enough information to identify them on Facebook. With a first and last name, city and state, email address, and school affiliation; it wouldn’t be too hard for most people to find you on Facebook. If your resume sparks an employer’s interest, why would they be any less likely to try to look you up on Facebook or another social networking site than anyone else?

CulverCareers reminds people to be responsible about what it is that they put on social networking sites in general. CulverCareers says that one of the best policies they’ve heard of from Facebook users is making their profile completely private to people only in their networks. The more you expand your privacy settings, the more access people have to you. CulverCareers says the best advice is not to post anything on Facebook that you or an employer would be uncomfortable having them see.

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