Friday 16 August 2013

CulverCareers and Why You Should Use Linkedin

Social media has become extremely important in searching for careers. It is not only a way to connect with companies but also network with potential employers. One of those social media sites that CulverCareers says can really help you along is Linkedin. There are many reasons to use it and keep it up to date.

Keeping your Linkedin profile current will help you hide the fact that you are searching for a new career. CulverCareers says if you all of a sudden take your bare bones page and flood it with information, that is a sure tip off that you are seeking something new. But if you haven’t updated your Linkedin page in a while, CulverCareers says don’t panic. The best thing to do is add a little at a time. Don’t write everything down at once. The slower pace will help build your profile and keep you under the radar.

CulverCareers says another reason to keep your profile up to date is that having more content will attract more visitors to your site. Find a career posting that best suits your ideal career. Then use those key words to cultivate your content. This is how CulverCareers can help you. Culver Careers has built relationships with some of the top firms in the country and can give you tips on exactly what they are looking for in an ideal candidate.

Finally, having a professional and current Linkedin page can make you more approachable. Employers spend lots of time scouring the site for potential employees. Make yourself stand out by putting down your skills, competencies, and careers goals. Culver Careers suggests this could be the difference between getting contacted for an opportunity or getting tossed aside by your ideal employer.

CulverCareers says to always remember that your Linkedin profile can’t work for you if you don’t do the work on it. Make sure to keep it updated with exciting content that makes you stand above the rest. The Linkedin page of CulverCareers is a perfect example of how to keep a profile fresh and exciting.

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